Flying into each finer horizon has been the mantra of our institution."
To accomplish this mantra we not only dream but also act; not only believe but also plan. And the sanguine spirit in ourselves that we can cross all hurdles has worked wonder with the able guidance and co-operation of my team members and the belongingness and devotion of my dear students.
Dear Students, it is a worthy remembrance that opportunity knocks at your door every now and then; and to grab it, you just have to brace yourself for all the span and situation.
The only thing that separates successful people from the ones who avert is the willingness to work very hard with interest and intelligence.
The collective efforts of parents, teachers, students, members of SMC, public and over all the blessings of the invisible hands of the Almighty have placed this school in the global map of education. And so, “My heartiest congratulations to all the achievers”.
Dr. Sujata Sahu