Chandrasekharpur, Sailashree Vihar, Bhubaneswar Khordha, Odisha - 751021

International Day of Yoga celebrated at DAV Chandrasekharpur  

International Day of Yoga celebrated at DAV Chandrasekharpur

DAVians of Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar celebrated international day of Yoga amidst various activities on the school premises on Friday. The Principal of the school Dr Sujata Sahu, academic supervisors, staff and students performed various yogic asanas and Surya Namaskar under the supervision of Yoga guru Pitambar Sahoo. Paramhansa Prajnanananda Saraswati enlightened the students and staff about the integral benefit of yoga and appealed to make it a habit for greater utility. Meritorious students of different competitions on yoga were honoured during the occasion.


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Chandrasekharpur, P/O - Sailashree Vihar,
Bhubaneswar Khordha, Odisha - 751021
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